Atomic Force Microscopes, AFM Force Spectroscopy / Measurement, Novascan UV Ozone Cleaners, AFM Bead probes, AFM Chemical Probes, AFM Spring Constant Calibration, Anti-Vibration Acoustic Isolation>
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atomic force microscope uv ozone cleaner afm probe tip acoustic isolator
atomic force microscope uv ozone cleaner afm probe tip acoustic isolator
atomic force microscope uv ozone cleaner afm probe tip acoustic isolator
atomic force microscope uv ozone cleaner afm probe tip acoustic isolator
Gold Surfaces on Mica & Glass

Novascan Technologies offers gold coating of glass and mica surfaces. Though not atomically flat, these surfaces will have RMS values of 2-3nm and are suitable for flame annealing. Please inquire about the gold coating of these surfaces in custom sizes.

SUR.MICA.AU - Mica surface coated with gold
SUR.GS.AU - Glass surface coated with gold

Gold surfaces on glass for Atomic Force Microscopy
Gold surface on Mica for Atomic Force Microscopy
atomic force microscope uv ozone cleaner afm probe tip acoustic isolator
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