Exceed™ is Novascan's unsurpassed customer support program. We go the extra mile to help you get results. In an atmosphere of product-based company philosophies, Novascan has exceeded the industry standard by emphasizing a support-based philosophy. We do not simply disappear after the sale. Instead, Novascan continues to cultivate relationships with its clientele, fostering successful research collaborations.
Novascan personnel have spent years imaging many types of surfaces with many types of probes in a multitude of environments. This base of knowledge allows us to assist you with your specific application requirements from the onset. This is achieved through a detailed training process and regularly scheduled visits by Novascan technical personnel. A typical program includes an install visit plus 3-4 additional visits during the first year. Our clients often use these subsequent visits for additional personnel training and/or help with applications.
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- 2-3 Day Training Program
- Application Specific Assistance
- Scheduled visits by Novascan Technical Personnel